History of the Webmaster

this is intentionally a very long wall of text just for the sake of writing. may i call it my digital biography

deviantART was, what i would consider, my starting point on the internet. it was the first time I actually felt like I was able to reach like-minded peers in a community. but in reality, my real starting point was... Faceboook games. PBS kids. and coolmathgames. also youtube on not-my-iphone. but other than that, a whole discombobulation of children's mass-multiplayer-online games.

I would spent hours playing Pet Society, Restaraunt Tycoon, and Super Poke Pets, though i owned my first computer in 2008. a pink and white ASUS. from there I had free range of where-ever i wished to go on the world wide web. I went to the PBS Kids Ruff Ruffman Volcano Simulator time-and-time time again, steaming hotdogs and whatnot. And i spend even more time on the Cailou House Builder. it was so much more intricate in my memory. i was also allowed to "play" some second life; seeing the pegasai i was able to ride, and vast scenery i was able to roam, as a nice little game.

moving on to CMMOs, i remember playing some MMOs centered around being a dinosaur, a spacekid in an alien space-city, and especially, one about collecting trees. the CMMO i stuck with, however, was Club Penguin. the fact that it was so popularized, with an actually developed bunch of mini-games, events, and storyline; it captivated me. i loved card-jutsu and the secret agent missions, roleplaying as a baby in the puffle-shop, and a server at the pizzaria. i would hop on my local library's kid's computer table (as i had botched my laptop's charger for a bit before i got a replacement) just to farm coins in the cart surfer mini-game. but that captiviation was short-lived, at best. as the membership i was allowed only lasted a few months, and without the ability to buy clothes and custimize my experience however i liked, had lost interest.

then, i had discovered YouTube and watched many episodes of Happy Tree Friends, some Naruto scenes, and whole ton of silent MS Paint Spongebob Horror with only music similar to Trance - 009 Sound System Dreamscape playing in the background. I had also been a big fan of the original Teen Titans. Seeing clips of Calling All Titans and Titans Together in the sea of youtube had me interested in the series, so i sought after more clips and became a fan. fanhood of mine included: watching teen titan Tributes, and roleplaying as raven and starfire with a childhood friend. but in extension, i had also discovered... let's plays. it would be my first time seeing games such as Spore, Super Mario Galaxy (1 & 2), Paper Mario, Super Mario Sunshine, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time/Twilight Princess/Windwaker... but especially Legend of Zelda: Four Swords and Minecraft

through my searching of Teen Titans tributes, i had found tributes for many other media. including Legend of Zelda: Four Swords.I hadn't known much about anything animanga but these Four Swords tributes had many pictures of gorgeous anime boys from the Four Swords manga. and i was introduced to the concept of yaoi. safe to say i became obsessed with the videos of beautiful multi-colored links blushing at each other, and wanted more. I went into the descriptions of these videos and the credits took me to deviantART. I was led to a word of so many pictures of beautiful links and also literature. I also discovered the presence of "ask accounts". I decided to make my own first account as an "'ask account'". though i had no idea how to upload pictures to the computer, nor wanted so steal anyones art. so my profile remained blank, and i remained to lurk. but only lurk.

I had been away from my computer for a few years, but i was back in 2011. this was about the time My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic had been airing, and deviantART had been filling up with little pony characters, including an almost-canon-looking pony maker. along with the launch of Google+. I had already been a fan of the previous my little pony generation, so i made myself a pony character and set up a google+ profile. My pony had a lavender coat, bright red and orange hair, red serpent eyes, and bat dragon wings. I wanted her to be a dragon pony. I joined a handful of my little pony groups, and added a bunch of people who had their own pony icons. I made a some friends, but eventually swapped out my bright-haired bat-pony for a less eye-strain-y one. still having a lavender coat, but now with a nice sky-blue and mint-green mane, now a normal pegasus. someone even drew a cute little portrait of her at my request.

I believe through someone elses post featuring screenshot of some ponys hanging around in a 3D game, i had tracked back around to Second Life. I created my own Second Life account and obtained a ton of freebies, making my own, janky-looking pony avatar. there was a decicated My Little Pony map, which i explored to its fullest. There were many different towns and locations, some filled with shops on every street, some with houses that other users owned. I made some friends, including one that also used Google+, to which i added. another user had passed by me and seen that i was a new user, so they gifted me the Official Unofficial pony avatar, that looked a lot better than my freebie avatar, and some more extra in-game currency to boot. with the extra currency, and the many options customizable all the user-owned shops and second life special object effects offered me, i created a new, third pony of mine. with a black coat, purple mane and serpent eyes, gold claws, dragon wings, and lion tail, i had made a more creditable and genuine dragon pony once again.

in 2013, still scouring youtube as my main hub on the interweb, it was about the time when minecraft youtubers were always on the front page somewhere. as any preteen, i was hooked. I watched a handful of the mainstream minecraft youtubers, and some niche minecraft youtubers that used the Mine Little Pony mod. somehow, i found the profile of a youtube user who had a hand-drawn pony icon, and a speedpaint of the same icon. I messaged them that I liked their pony avatar and asked if they wanted to be friends. they said yes, and linked me to their deviantART. I had comepletely forgotten all the credentials to my previous account, so I decided to make a new one. I used my Lavender Pegasus as my icon and learned how to scan in my art. I drew for almost all the titles I previously mentioned, even being gifted a wacom tablet in the process, and switching to digital art. and that was the time i finally started being a part of an online community.

My initial friend introduced me to their friends, and I got along with each and every one of them, adding and calling with them through skype. the only thing was, they all had a copy of Minecraft and I didn't. I decided to ask some of the friends I made back on google+, and one actually offered their account to me since they rarely used it. I was so greatful, and I was invited to play on many different servers with my new friend. Personal Hamachi servers, friend of friend survival servers, factions, skyblock, and minigame servers. in the meantime, they introduced me to Homestuck, and Tumblr. We dont talk about the Homestuck. now 2014, one particular friend introduced me to a particular server, where i would find a whole new community waiting for me.

it was a minigame server that was quite nishe, but quite not. with a smaller and more thoughtful selection of completely original minigames, and i fallen in love with the most basic of them all. capture the flag. i was addicted. apparently there were many others that were addicted, too. as i visited each day, i would see the same teammates and enemies, and started to acquaint with some of them. soon I was joking and bantering with half the players in each game, and i guess i caught the all the eyes of one friend group. i had been invited to join them on a factions server, where i would formally meet them all. yet, of course, we still spent most of out time playing capture the flag.

in 2015, I had just seen my first episode of Steven Universe. Hooked!

To be continued...